Beau Burridge


Brandy Burridge


Sailing Saoirse

January 2019  •  4 days

3 years ago we had a blip of a thought of “what if” we got a sailboat. And that thought grew into a passion, a dream, and then a full blown “whatever it takes” attitude that got us here. Seriously as I type this, I still can’t believe it’s real. You see when you have something that grows into a LIFE, not even a dream, its crazy what it does to you. So in February of 2016 we sold all of our stuff and we drove from New York to Florida and we dove head first into this SAILBOAT life. Not having one lick of sailing experience...sometimes you just have to go for it. Who says you can’t have everything you want in life…stop listening to them. Start living your amazing life. Because none of us want to be caught saying I wish I did… We thought if we could just work our tails off and save up for a sailboat, we would be good to go. We knew we didn’t have the funds to buy a brand new or even a gently used boat. So we went for the REALLY used route. What we did know was that with some GRIT we could make any boat our boat. When we found Saoirse she had been donated to a Seamanship School in Florida, with a seized engine and looking like she had seen WAY BETTER days, but what we saw was our new home. Since then, we have been vlogging our day to day as we rescue this boat into becoming our dreamboat. Along the way we have meet some pretty amazing people in this freedom seeking community! We would love to have you be part of our crazy journey as we complete our renovations, learn to sail and start out on our BIG adventure to see what this world and her many wonders...and taking you along for the ride! xoxo, the Saoirse Crew :: Beau, Brandy & Oona